What is Precision Manufacturing and Why It Is Used?


Precision manufacturing means applying highly accurate and précised components to manufacture engineering products. It also means getting the desired shapes from a sheet or a block. Precision manufacturing is used generally by engineers while designing a piece of workable equipment or whole equipment. Almost all manufacturing companies use precision manufacturing. It is done to have the best quality manufacturing products. From chemical to mechanical, aerospace to electrical, and civil to mechatronics, almost all the manufacturing industries apply this technique to ensure the best quality in the market. It is also used by the medical field for precise implants, orthotics, and other such devices. There is also a range of tolerance. It is the acceptable percentage of error in manufacturing products.

How the Precision Manufacturing was done earlier?

In the previous ages, there was no such use of technology. At that time, precision manufacturing was done with the help of blades and hammers. These simple pieces of equipment were used to tear the block of material into small pieces. These pieces were then shaped into sheets. As technology stepped into modern world, the requirements and demands changed. Along with this, the manufacturing techniques also changed.

Precision Manufacturing by modern techniques:

In the recent world, different techniques are used. Now, for this purpose 3D printing machines, vacuum casting, and CNC machining is used. There are some other technologies as well but these three are the most common among all. CNC stands for Computer Numerical Control Machines. These machines use computer programming to attain the high level precision. By the use of computer aided programmes, the chance of error is now near to zero percent. Moreover, the manufacturing time has been reduced due to these machines. CNC machines use used to make a flat surface from a piece of material. This machine makes flatness and smoothness as per the required specifications and dimensions. The flatness and smoothness remains in the precise tolerance. Vaccuum Casting is also known as Polyurathene Casting or Silicon Molding. It is generally used when the specified and desired product is not obtained by 3D Printing Method. In this casting, a liquid material is molded with the help of a vacuum. A mold is firstly prepared with the help of 3D printing. For initial mold, CNC machining can also be used. This initial mold is then used to make the jelly type material. Then with the help of vacuum any shape from the resin can be obtained. There are mainly three benifts of using vacuum casting. First is that almost all types of resins can be molded into desrired shaoes by this technique. Second is that by using this technique, more colors can be achieved. It simply means that before forming the final shape, the resin can be mixed with colorants to achieve colors. In last, this technique can be used to achieve greater number of manufactured products while the cost still remains low. Now, in 3D Printing technique the manufacturing products can be achieved at higher rate. It is digital mode method. This technique has some limitations as well. First, it is difficult to achieve the accuracy in the the manufacturing product. Second, this technique is only limited for suitable materials. Last, the cost of manufacturing by this technique is quite high.


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